David Key, Director
Macon County Emergency Services Office (828) 349-2067
Scanner: 155.325 Mhz
For emergencies:
Dial 9-1-1
Macon County Emergency Services
125 Hyatt Road
Franklin, NC 28734
Medication Administration Refresher Course
This course is worth 1.0 CE upon completion of the test.
In an effort to maintain proficiency in medication administration
I have come up with this refresher course and exam for you to take
at your leisure. Please read the following information and then take the test to receive 1.0 CE.
Formulas that might be beneficial:
Calculating doses and administration rates
mL/hr =
mcg ordered X kg X 60 mcg/mL
mcg/kg/min =
mcg/mL X mL/hr-60-kg
mL/hr =
mcg ordered X 60 mcg/mL
mcg/min =
mcg/mL X mL/hr 60
Calculate an IV drip rate
X = IV bag volume X mg ordered X gtt set Drug in bag X 1 min. X 1mL
find the gtts/min
Ordered: 3 mg lidocaine/min IV drip
On Hand: 2 gm lidocaine/5 mL
Bag: 500mL D5W
X = 500 X 3mg X 60X = 45 gtts/min
2000 mg X 1 X 1
Find the Concentration
X = Solute (gms or mgs of drug) Solvent (ltr or mL of volume)
Example: 1 gm of lidocaine has been added to 250 mL of D5W
X = 1gm 250mL
X = 1000mg (converted to milligrams) 250mL
X = 4mg/mL
Amount of Solute
Percent of solution X volume of solution = number of grams
Example: How many grams of dextrose are in a 250mL bag of D5W?
5% dextrose in water = 5 grams of Dextrose in 100 mL.
X = 5% or 5gms X 250 100
X = 12.5g
5g : 100 mL : : (X)g : 250mL
MD orders 500mg of 10% solution CaCl. How many mLs do you give?
10 g/100 mL or 10 X 1000 = 10,000mg/100mL
10,000mg/100mL = 500mg/(X)mL
10,000X = 50,000
X = 5
MD orderes Isuprel infusion 2 mg/500mL D5W. What is the concestration per mL?
2mg : 500mL : : (X)mg : 1mL
2 : 500X
X = 0.004mg or 4 mcg/mL